Wednesday 21 August 2013

first movie together

hello there..
just nak share..
this is our first movie together!
rsnya kitaorg tgk kat TGV the Mines..
on Wednesday 29th August 2012!

Friday 16 August 2013

Saturday morning..

Its saturdat and i am blogging from my bed via my smart phone..
Br je install blogspot kat phone..
Trus nk update..

Alkisah kekonon nye najib want me to cook since dia ada lagi satu pack daging salai yg dibeli dr dilla opismate dia tu..
Huaaa..aku plak mood mls2 nk masak..
But i do enjoy cooking lately..

So i call him to woke him up just now dlm kul 10am.
Sbb brg2 nk masak sumer tak der lg..
Kn la p beli dulu..
Byg kan la..
Time2 gini tak beli brg lagi..
Kul bp nk masak nye..
Kul bp nk makan nye..

Bila aku da bertegas ngan dia kata aku buli dia plak..
Okay, nak mkn ke tak????

Okay,gtg alle..
Nak mulakan operasi memasak..
Till then..ttyl!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

one year down people!

morning people..
It's 15th August..

and guess wut?
rajin plak si Khairunnisa ni update blog..
lepas dpt encouragement dr encik tetunang..

here is our 1st raya picture..
it was taken at kedai mamak je..
and the time was 230am..
br smpai SK dr perak! 
tu sbb muka najib mcm tak boleh blah je..
penat sngt n ngantuk sngt tu! hihihii..

pejam celik..
pejam celik..
da almost sethn i knew this guy..
yerp..da sethn since 27 August 2012. 
and our first meeting was 28 August 2013 kat kedai mamak yg sama dgn picture ats ni la..
bersejarah betul!

ingt lagi that time..
Najib dtg ngan kwn dia, Rozaimi..
very insist nk jumpa jgk..
i nk gerak balik Bangi dah..
well, time tu still lagi duk Bangi..

okay la, to cut story short..
aku pun p la jumpa Najib kat situ..
since aku ni new comers and tak tahu bnyk tmpt kat SK..
aku suggest kite p Maulana je..
he agreed..

we meet up..
i don't know how, but somehow..
aku trus je berjalan menuju ke tmpt Najib ni duduk and without hesitate..
aku yakin that's him at the first glance..
HEBAK plak trasa diri ini..
RIAK?? hahahaa..
no kidding!!! 
eh eh, gurau je!
seriously talking people..
i parked my car, then i walked directly to them..
tak confirmkan pun Najib duk tang mana ke hapa ke..
trus je melulu ke tmpt dia..

teka apa??
siang tuh..aku da jumpa Najib & Rozaimi kat Sigma..
nah, baca sini kalu nk recall.. yg naik kete saga itam tu??
that's rozaimi..
and org yg tegur i, tnye kan i "akak kay ke?"
tu Mohd Najib Mustaffa saya! main je ritu kan??
patot la mcm memalu je Mohd Najib tegur i siang tu..
mcm mana la u boleh fall for me at a glance je Mohd Najib oii??
tu pun melalui CCTV!!
yes, CCTV!!!
mybe nnti i boleh update pasal kes CCTV nih..
later ok??

hey Mohd Najib, if your are reading this..
and u might be reading this..
i've gone through a year full with laughter, cries and argument with you..
sometimes both of us get tired with all the dramas in our relationship..
but we never fails to make it clear that we need each other in our lives..
I seriously need you..

Nah, this VC is for you..

till then, ttyl! 

Monday 12 August 2013

Najib's 30th birthday wish

Assalamualaikum Abg..

Selamat Hari Lahir yg ke 30! Wah, “3 series” already??
Sekejab je trasa umur meningkat and I think mcm baru smlm je masuk darjah 1!

The reason why I wrote (or type) this on A4 sbb the birthday cards is too small to hold all my words..
Hence, terpaksa la use another medium untuk lafaz kan ucapan saya pada awak..

Anyhow, how are you feeling today?? Happy or otherwise??
I hope you are feeling okay nonetheless it’s your big day! Kan???

Saya doakan agar awak happy all day long, samada with or without me today..
Have a good day kat opis.. and hopefully tak der anasir2 nak saket kan hati awak hr ni..
Especially those people yg asik nak buat awak menyirap..
Hahahahaaa..or buat awak rs panas nak marah je..
Ckp ngan dia “talk to my hand or else my tunang will scold you!”
Hahahaaaa..saya gurau je abg.. :D

Ucapan saya, moga abg panjang umur, murah rezeki, bahagia bersama keluarga dan saya yg serba kekurangan ini and Insyaallah, smpai masa nnti, bila tiba jodoh kita, lahir nye anak2 kite yg opkos akan comel mcm awak, kita akan berbahagia bersama mereka jgk!
The most important thing above all is our family will be getting bigger!
Tak kira la my side or ur side!!!
I wish you luck, happiness and riches today, tomorrow and beyond.

Saya sngt gembira mengenali awak..
terharu dpt melalui ups n downs dgn awak yg brnama Mohd Najib Mustaffa..
More years to come..
Dan sudah tentu bnyk lagi ups n downs kite akan lalui bersama..
Dan saya berdoa agar awak kuat mengharungi hari2 mendatang bersama2 saya yg lemah nih..
You will be the men that I’ll be counting on!

Abg, I know that we don’t have a fairytale romance and our life isn’t that perfect either.
We fight and argue sometimes but still we get it through and the end of the day we know we still love each other..thats all matters!
Thank you for always being there..
Insyaallah you will be a wonderful husband and on top of that a perfect father to our kids..
I am talking about a lot of kids..
Hahahaaa..kidding abg..
tgk rezeki Tuhan nak bg nnti mcm mana kepada kite..

Last but not least, saya harap abg suke hadiah hari lahir yg tak seberapa ini..
(since I tak sabra nak bg awak hadiah hari isnin ritu kan?? Should hv wait until today!! Pfftt.. tp the reaction on ur face is priceless and I wish I can rewind n rakam that moment!!  It’s okay :D )

Saya syng abg bnyk, bnyk bnyk! ~~

xoxox, Si Keling Awak!!!  J J J J J

raya yg bosang

Hai yalll..

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat semua..
my raya was so so..

the different is..
my status as being to someone fiancĂ©e..
seronok sngt tgk najib punyer raya pics..
my say for that kind of celebration is "raya sakan"..

smlm najib tegur i bnyk update kat fb..
i said, i was boring..
sbb tu bnyk update..
then he said..
kalu boring buat blog..
huh..already got blog..
tp bila nk menulis mesti tak der idea..

najib kinda shocked sbb i ada blog..
knpe tak bgtahu dia katanye..
lol, just wanna keep it to myself je..
bila boring2 boleh baca semula n tersenyum sowang2..
dlm nih pun penuh dgn cerita2 me n my life je..
nothing much here actually..
esp untuk org yg tak kenal..
they dont bother to read pun..

wut else nak cerita ek??
okey, hari nih da 13th August..
less than 4 months i nk jd isteri org..
all preparation is on track..
well, at least so far so gud..

i tell u this..
rimas sbnrnye dgr mak n ayah duk bebel pasal itu ini kat umah..
"kakak, p kira kemah!" kata mak..
"kakak, bayaq deposit khemah.." kata ayah..
aku reply "nanti laaaarrr..."
emak naik angin "p kira la nih..nak tunggu nanti tu bila..bukan senang nak balik manjung selalu..yada yada yada..!"
aku pasrah "yer lah.."

my feeling?
i believe najib pun lagi 10 kali serabut dr keadaan aku nih..
mana tak nye..
dia yg nk kena sediakan duit..
and i will play my parts..
tolong dia sediakan brg2 lain sikit2..
the rest let time flow..

to be honest..
tak sabar rs nye nak kawen..
najib n me da turn 30 this year..
aku percaya ngan plan dia..
i trust him very much and i hope he know it..
just brace yourself and let time flow..

Ya Allah Ya Tuhan Ku..
Kau permudahkanlah urusan kami..

okay lah..

p/s: nak rerajin post la lps nih..since da ada pembaca setia..kot? lol 

Sunday 4 August 2013

I don't know


post was deleted..

it's Ramadhan people..

27th Ramadhan 1434H..

Selamat Hari Raya..